I have been censored and banned at ABCNews sites

I went to post my quick comment on the Arizona freedom of religion bill in an article published on ABC News (Arizona Governor Returns Home Amid Furor Over Bill PHOENIX February 25, 2014 (AP)) and…

We are unable to post your comment because you have been blocked by ABC News. Find out more.


When clicking on the “find out more” above, I got the following from Disqus:


“We are unable to post your comment…” error

This message indicates that you’ve been blacklisted from commenting on the site in question, you can contact the website for more information on why you were blocked. Note that while Disqus offers many moderation tools, we do not moderate comments ourselves.

My comment CENSORED on ABC News:  

Watch liberals throw the 1st Amendment down the toilet live this week in Arizona. My prediction is that Brewer will cave in to the gay/liberal-stapo. The 1st Amendment has been buried. It exists only as a joke and as a  reminder of a bygone era where it once was taken seriously and had any real meaning.

Predictably, all the CINOs jumped on the opportunity to kiss the gaystapo’s behind to get them some pink/center votes for upcoming elections (Gingrich, Romney, both Arizona senators: John McCain (R) and Jeff Flake (R) – with Republicans like these, who needs liberals?)

Predictably as well, and equally disgusting, were the usual gaystapo corporations trying to twist Brewer’s arm to veto the bill with all kinds of threats  (Apple, Delta, the NFL – the NFL? Talk about the power of homosexuals to corrupt institutions). I do not want Apple deciding what is religious freedom in this country – and who can and cannot have it – or any other entity that thinks they can dictate law (and trample on the most fundamental freedom rights) simply because they have a pile of money.

I still don’t understand why people don’t grasp that refusing to serve or work with people who have a destructive sexuality agenda is a refusal to support a political ideology – a right which can never be banned and which can never be equated to refusing service to a person because they have dark skin.

Conditioned people simply can’t think outside what they have been conditioned to think.

108 thoughts on “I have been censored and banned at ABCNews sites

    • Indeed, that’s essentially what I’ve been saying repeatedly here. It’s not some “vast left-wing conspiracy” (as the author of this blog would have it), I’M LIBERAL AND GOT BLOCKED TOO!

      You’re probably correct as to why. In the name of “moderation” too many websites (“left” and “right”) allow individuals too much power over who can and can’t post Comments. Determined extremists (from either side of the political spectrum) can end up blocking EVERYONE who’s views they disagree with.

      Then, again, don’t overlook the idiocy of PROGRAMMED “Nanny’s”: algorithms in the website’s code which look for “naughty” words and mindlessly censor (I’m sorry “moderate”) them. One such example was a site where you couldn’t type “Homo Sapiens” because of the presence of the word “Homo”. It also prevented people from referring to a former V.P. by his familiar nick-name “Dick” Cheney, but you could call him “Penis” Cheney!

      I shall retire to Bedlam.

      • ABC News, lake many other sites are being dominated by organized down-flagging. I posted some pretty tame but Putin critical comments and lost my privileges.

  1. I was banned two years ago for providing FACTS!!!! my comment was about how the media continues to sell the Ferguson “Hands Up event” was proven to be a lie and that the media still sells this lie…. Next thing i knew… Some fascist bootlicker at ABC banned my account permanently… Understand!!!! Nazis were socialist too!!!

    • Dear sby1977 on November 3, 2017 at 5:39 pm:

      As I’ve stated several times already, I am a LIBERAL and I’ve been blocked by ABC News as well. So perhaps you should reconsider your uninformed, hyperpartisan, and mindlessly ideological “explanation” for why you were blocked there too. Whatever may be going on at ABC News (and I have my own theories about that), it clearly ISN’T “fascist”. (A word which, like “Socialist!”, “Communist!”, and “Racists!”, has been misused and thrown around so indiscriminately as to lose all meaning.)

  2. Just noticed I have been banned by ABC News from commenting at their site via Disqus. I know it wasn’t cuz I was rude. REALLY made me lose respect for ABC News, a site I will now avoid. Over a year ago The Hill also banned me, I avoid their site like the plague too. If these sites can not tolerate a difference of opinion politely offered, I can think of no greater proof that they are indeed a source of biased and fake news. Speaks volumes ABOUT THEM! I am heartened in seeing that innumerable others have experienced the same.

    • Dear Free Independent on January 4, 2018 at 3:40 pm:

      Again, as I’ve previously stated, I have been banned by ABC News too, even though I’m a LIBERAL, and thus follow what you would doubtless call “fake news”. (Though, really, the greatest purveyor of that is Lying Trump, Fox News, and “conservative” Squawk Radio.)

      So, stop assuming what happened to you was because of your opinion. I suspect, as another has said, you’re simply a victim of an organized “flagging” campaign by mischief-makers, who don’t really care about ideology.

      Or else, as I’ve suggested elsewhere, we’re victims of what I call the “Disqus Nanny”: the mindless algorithim used by that “service” which blocks Comments which are quite innocent, but which the program “moderates” out of existence. For example, at one time you couldn’t refer to former V.P. Cheney by the familiar version of his first name (“Dick”), nor could you talk about “Homo Sapiens” because – well, you know.

      Remember, to err is human, but to really muck things up takes a computer!

  3. One of my comments that was banned – simply “There are a lot of hateful comments on here.” – posted following several absolutely vitriolic comments directed against conservatives. This is a very sad and sick time in history. After just about any opinion I expressed was marked banned, I was no longer allowed to comment. I no longer read ABC news articles.

    • Dear Deborah (on April 23, 2018 at 8:58 am):

      Yes, this is “a very sad and sick time in history”, but don’t pretend it’s one-sided. I have seen plenty of “absolutely vitriolic comments directed against” LIBERALS.

      As for why you were banned, again let me state the same thing happened to me, and I am LIBERAL. So don’t assume your politics (or opinion) had anything to do with it.

      I suspect, as someone else mentioned here, we’re both victims of an organized “flagging” campaign by mischief-makers, or as I think, just the mindless algorithms too many websites use to “moderate” their Comments section, which results in absurdities like not being able to write about “Homo Sapiens”!

  4. I was banned from leaving comments on ABC News because I pointed out than in addition to whites, Arabs, native Americans, and the indigenous peoples of South America, ALL had slaves, or participated (in the case of black Africans, who sold other black Africans to white slavers) in slavery. ABC News – especially online – is incredibly biased. Another example: police shot an armed woman, who happened to be black, during a robbery attempt, and the ABC headline screamed, “Police shoot mother of three!” I DO believe that some cops are racially biased, bt seriously, a headline like THIS?

    • Dear Nicholas (on June 26, 2018 at 3:19 pm):

      Plenty of false assumptions in your Comment. Care to explain why I (a LIBERAL) also got banned at ABC?

      P.S. – As for Slavery, I fail to see the relevance in what you wrote. Were you trying to justify that “peculiar institution” on the grounds that “everybody does it”? No matter who is involved in Slavery IT REMAINS EVIL. And while some may want to “blame Whitey” for it, the more important fact (in this nation) is that a country “conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that ALL men are create equal” PRACTICED IT! (Of course, there’s also the other side of the story: namely that it was also White Americans who fought against it – literally giving their lives to end it. Which only goes to prove the issue of Slavery in America, and Segregation too, isn’t simply a matter of “Black and White”.)

  5. Both the users and the moderators at ABC News have zero tolerance for comments that they disagree with. This same problem is showing up on all the other social media sites, too. This is what happens when corporations are allowed to have total control over the communications grid: “News” sites become Communist propaganda distributors, and their discussion forums become mere echo-chambers for the useful idiots who have fallen for the agenda.

    • Dear Rachel (on August 8, 2018 at 12:06 am):

      Wow! With “reasoning” like that it’s clear you’re a “conservative” (or what passes for it these days).

      As I’ve already stated several times, I was banned on ABC News too AND I’M A LIBERAL! How does that fit with your “Communist conspiracy” theory?

      By the way, it’s hilarious you should say that, since it was Communist countries which BANNED private news, and exercised TOTAL CONTROL. Funny how you want to abandon the FREE ENTERPRISE system when it suits your purposes. Good thing we have a First Amendment to prevent that!

      P.S. – As far as “echo chambers” and “useful idiots” are concerned, that describes perfectly people who get their “news” from our “Twitter-in-Chief” and his sycophants at Fox and “conservative” Squawk Radio.

    • Dear Search Conservative ( on September 21, 2018 at 9:31 pm):

      I’ve been banned there too, and I’m what most people would call a liberal! Maybe you should re-think your “conspiracy theory”.

    • Dear George Davey (on on August 10, 2019 at 7:41 pm):

      It’s hard to know why anyone is banned (since we’re never told, nor given a reason to defend ourselves), but sometimes it can just be due to an idiotic algorithm I call “the Nanny”.

      Case in point, Disqus. At one time it wouldn’t allow you to use the phrase “Homo Sapiens”. It also wouldn’t allow you to use the familiar nickname for “Richard” to call our former V.P. “Dick” Cheney. (You could, however, call him PENIS Cheney.) More than once when this happened I announced: “I’ll retire to Bedlam!”

      So don’t blame ABC, blame whoever wrote the code for its website.

  6. I learned my disqus account was banned at ABC. I am not surprised that ABC would ban anyone who does not post leftist garbage, but I was surprised they “knew” to ban me, because I never posted there before and only saw the red notification when I looked at an article there.

    It shows that these big companies are not only censoring people who do not regurgitate far leftist dogma, they are sharing their blacklists. That is the definition of a conspiracy. But they call conservatives, libertarians, centrists and anyone else to the left of Mao a “conspiracy theorists” in acts of gaslighting.

  7. Dear Viking (on September 10, 2019 at 3:42 pm):

    Sorry to burst your conspiracy theory, but I’m what you’d probably call a “leftist” and I’VE BEEN BANNED BY ABC TOO!

    I’ve also been banned by such “conservatives” sites as Free Republic and National Review, so it isn’t just “big companies”.

    P.S. – And since when have “conservatives, libertarians, centrists” been considered “LEFT of Mao”? Talk about “gaslighting”!

  8. ABC itself did not ban you. The website takes its cues from other commenters – they are the ones who got you banned! A good example of this would be a story that has a negative issue with Trump. Of course, since it’s very popular to do these days other commenters are going to agree with the story and bash Trump too. If you jump in with a positive comment about Trump it’s going to rub everyone the wrong way and your comment will be deleted by the other commenters! There is a particular flow given out by the media and people being the little sheep that they are will fall right in line behind the story and agree with it. And if you disagree you are swimming against that flow and you will be targeted for deletion. See how the world works?

    • Dear Bruce ( on October 18, 2019 at 12:47 pm):

      Well, since I’m someone with NOTHING good to say about the man I cally LYING Trump (most of the time), care to explain why I got banned according to your theory?

      Evidently, the “people being the little sheep that they are” must include SUPPORTERS of Lying Trump! (Since I certainly can’t seeing fellow opponents objecting to what I write, nor can I see ABC, or other parts of the media in your “conspiracy theory”, doing the same.)

      Perhaps the world actually works this way: there are legions of intolerant people, on both the “Right” and the “Left”, who simply can’t stand any divergent point of view. So the Trumpsters gang up on anyone they consider “offensive”, and get that person banned (as happened to me), while the Anti-Trumpsters do the same to his supporters.

      In the end, ABC is the big loser, since I suspect there are a lot of people (on either side of the political spectrum) who simply avoid its website. I try to.

  9. I have been commenting on ABC news articles for 2 years. All of a sudden I am banned- explanation says my comment was detected as spam. WTF?

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